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ValuMAT Multi-Colour Carrier Bags

The Economical Eco-Friendly HDPE Carrier Bags

VALUMAT™ sets a new standard with its array of multicolored High-Density PE (HDPE) carrier bags amidst the ever-evolving landscape of eco-friendly alternatives. Designed with expertise and thoughtfulness, it represents the perfect blend of affordability, durability, and sustainability.


Our multicolored VALUMAT™ transcend the role of mere packaging—An objective to a more environmentally conscious future. Robust, cost-effective, and biodegradable set the responsible benchmark for materials. The diverse range of needs is available in four sizes and various colors, making the ideal for takeout, grocery shopping, retail, and household use.


Choosing VALUMAT™ means opting for a simple, cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution, without compromising on reliability. Our multicolored biodegradable carrier bags exemplify our commitment to making environmentally sound choices that do not sacrifice functionality.


With VALUMAT™, eco-friendly durability merges seamlessly with vibrant colors to make a lasting impression. Experience the materials of the future with VALUMAT™ multicolored carrier bags—an expression of our dedication to a bright and sustainable society.

Contact us for any enquiry regarding on VALUMAT™